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Summertime and the quilting is bright!

OK--it's official--other than tomatoes I've given up on the garden--the bugs (dang squash bugs!) and the heat and weeds have won! Besides which we've eaten so many green beans I can't stand to thinking about picking them again and am too afraid of killing my family with botulism if I can them!

But there's still plenty of summer bright colors in my world. As the Miami County Quilters Guild gears up for our annual show the

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last weekend of Sept, I am busy working on boutique items--little, useful stuff is not my favorite, but have done some potholders, table topper, bibs and a clutch.

At the other Guild I belong to, MoKan Machine Quilter's Guild, meeting yesterday we discussed ways to quilt different quilts brought by members. What fun! And how creative we can all be. Got me thinking about some ideas I have for a possible entry into the KC Regional Quilt Fest in June 2015. The KCRQF is going to be BIG--entries, a dozen or more guilds involved, vendors, national speakers and teachers--just can hardly wait!

In the meantime, feast your eyes on this beauty of Jenny's--it is a preprinted dresden plate that she designed an original layout around--then said "do modern!"

Stay cool and keep quilting!

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