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I'm Back!!!

It's officially been 7 weeks and 2 days since I got that total knee replacement. I've been very good about doing my physical therapy exercises and have gotten most of my range of motion back--now to get stronger. Worked on 2 quilts--my Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice from last year and a Moda Hexie Shuffle that I'm changing up to allow more "open space" for quilting. The Celtic Solstice needs the borders removed and new borders put on--it's waving at me! I'm blaming that on doing most of the sewing on it while still on painkillers. Yeah, that's it!

But the really cool thing is that I bought a drafting stool at Office Max Monday after discussing with my orthopedist that it might be early March before I'm able to stand at the long arm for any lenght of time. Hubbie set it up for me and yesterday I was able to sit and quilt an edge-to-edge on a charity quilt! Next up is to see if I can sit while using rulers. I realize I won't be able to do pantos while sitting--but then I don't do many pantos. So now to work on some charity quilts to get my "groove" back on the long arm and then on to the Bonnie Hunter quilt and the Hexie Shuffle and a sample quilt for my friend Jenny--really excited about that one.

In the meantime--check out the charity quilt done while sitting down!

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