Spring shop hop quilt
We have had a blast of summer weather! Seriously, 70's and 80's temps! But "normal" weather is due to arrive tomorrow, hopefully with some rain this week as we are going into the summer months wayyy behind in moisture.
My garden is a mess. Before I can even think about planting anything, I need a huge clean-up--and this weekend I'll be collecting straw bales from a friend to use again with some veggie plants. But am I doing any yard work? No! Instead I'm been quilting! AND I'm sewing with my Guild on both Thurs and all day Sat. as we prep items for the Kansas City Regional Quilt Fest boutique.
So since I'm not getting going with the garden or flower beds, I did want to share this lovely "flower garden" of a quilt with you. Doesn't this remind you of a formal English flower garden with reflecting pools? That's what I saw when I got it from the Lil' Red Hen to quilt for the upcoming Heartland Shop Hop. Hope it makes you think Spring, too! And have a quilty NATIONAL QUILTING DAY this Saturday!