Scrambling before the Holidays!
Seems I always do this to myself--and started this habit long before I became a quilter! What's that? Well, I always like giving homemade gifts to family but never seem to get started on the actual making until I'm almost bumping into Christmas! While I'm not as bad as I once was (I was working on Christmas Eve
on a down ski jacket for my now husband when we were first dating!), I still seem to dream bigger than I give myself time to actually finish.
Right now I have a number of smaller gifts and at least a quilt to finish for family. Can't tell you what those things are because some of my readers will receive them. And that Christmas quilt I made at the Oct. retreat--that's for ME and I'd like it done for Christmas,too---and by that I mean THIS Christmas! On a positive note, the two older g-boys ISpy quilts are totally done--yippee!
But during all this I've gotten the chance to work on some great quilts of others. Two t-shirt quilts are in the works and pictures of those will be posted later. But here is a darling child's quilt for my friend Jenny--the recipient of this quilt will be one lucky child!