New Quilters are the Best!
This past month, I have been co-teaching beginner classes for my local Guild. We have 27 in the class and they are the best! So eager and just jump in and try everything (and actually doing their homework!). So far they have done rail fence, Sarah's Choice, Drunkard's path, hand quilting, and started a Grandmother's Flower Garden blocks--all in 4 weeks! Still ahead are applique, pineapple block, sashings and borders and prepping for quilting. I'm attached a couple of pictures of this wonderful group and their work.
Up next--in a week--my Guild will start mentoring high school students that are tackling a quilt in their Family & Consumer Science (FACS) classes. We are anticipating 28 students working on quilts--others are doing jam pants. Since some of the kids are going to be hard pressed to cover the costs of the quilt materials, we have also been clearing out our stashes to provide some help.
It's a nice feeling to have so many young people learn how to quilt and to actually reduce our stashes in the process. Although now I'm feeling the need to do some vacumning and dusting in my sewing rooms!
Here's my challenge to all of you--with National Quilter's Day coming up on March 19, let's all attempt to mentor a new quilter--even if it's just taking a non-sewing friend to a quilt show to show them the wonders of quilting. so how about it?