What will you be doing on National Quilting Day?
National Quilting Day is just a week away--March 19. So what do you have planned? I definitely suggest getting together with other quilters--maybe some piecing, or how about shop hopping? Or even just a lunch out with your friends! I'll be gathering with my Guild buddies to work on our 2017 Opportunity Quilt-know that seems like we are WAYYYYY too early, but we want to be able to display it at our late Sept. Drag N' Brag Show!
I've had a busy winter filled with teaching--beginner classes for 7 weeks for the Miami Co. Quilters Guild. And I'm still mentoring once a week at a local high school FACS (family & consumer science aka: home ec) class with students making quilts, but that should wind down by early April.
I look forward to April--a couple of shop hops, a quilt retreat and time to work on some of my own projects? Happy National Quilting Day! P.S. Go JayHawks! All the way in the Final Four!!!